Our Mission

The Red Hummingbird Foundation Inc. is a not-for-profit educational organization registered with the State of New York. Its mission is to build community.

Regardless of our heritage or our personal circumstances, we all want our social environment, like our physical environment, to be healthy and sustainable. It is evident that we possess the resources to fulfill this wish when we consider the wealth of human experience reflected in our cultural diversity and the goodwill and desire for peace that we share. The Foundation works with these elements. It serves by working in collaboration with others to bring these vital human resources into fuller consciousness and expression.

The humanities present excellent means for building community. History and the arts help to widen and deepen our sense of shared experience. For this reason many Foundation programs take the form of plays, festivals, historical and poetry readings, stories and reenactments. Through the Red Hummingbird Award, we honor the initiatives of other individuals and groups as well.

The ancient Aztecs observed that, through the sweetness of a flower, the hummingbird resurrects itself from torpor and seeming death. To the Foundation this is a reminder that the human experience contains the wisdom we need to awaken to a new day in a new world.

In the building of community the operative word is "WE." We are the Foundation: a vehicle which we have ourselves created as members, donors and volunteers. All are needed. Each knows how best to help.

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