Lindamarie Hill MS Ed– President

Lindamarie Hill is a Master Healer and Instructor, who founded Trinity Point Holistic Center in 1998. She combines her expertise in life skills teaching and curriculum development and a 40 year background in Yoga, meditation and healing prayer with cutting edge training in many complementary and alternative medicine therapies.

Lindamarie wrote the popular Mind/Body/Spirit column for the Plattsburgh Press Republican for over 5 years and has written for several other holistic publications. She has taught and worked in Europe, Hawaii, Mexico and the Middle East. She has been a frequent speaker at the New England Reiki Conference and The American Society of Dowsers National Convention.

Her training in Complementary and Alternative Medicine has been through the University of Arizona, Harvard Mind/Body Institute, The Center for Healing Touch, the University of Minnesota, and The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Management and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Her training includes Healing Touch, Emotional Freedom Technique, Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki, Clinical Aromatherapy, Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality in Healthcare, Mind/Body Therapies and Practices, Chi Gong, and Creating Healing Ceremonies.

The past few years she has devoted herself to sharing these practices with the local community and has offered many talks to local organizations and the staff at CVPH through Grand Rounds presentations.As part of the Sunday Services committee at the Universalist Unitarian Fellowship, Lindamarie assists in planning, coordinating and delivering services. The goal of her work and life is to encourage people to see the exquisite beauty of their essential nature.

Her latest project is the Association of Holistic Healing Arts, which is devoted to educating, enlightening and empowering people in their life and healing journey.

Kim LeClair - Vice President

Jeff Cochran - Secretary
Jeff is a Salish, Scottish, English, Czech, Catholic, Sioux, Scientist, Taoist, Poet, Chain-Sawing, Rock Climbing, Farmer, who works at the North Country Food Cooperative and Fledging Crow Farm. He has lived 3 years in Spokane, WA, 21 years in Colorado and 24 years in Plattsburgh, NY. Jeff and his wife Mary have 2 children, Bevan and Genevieve. Jeff has served as a poet, storyteller, guest lecturer, and workshop teacher in local schools (K-College), churches, prisons, summer ed programs, and coffee houses. He has published poetry, cartoons and articles and written and directed several outdoor plays. He has carved 4 totem poles. He is Arts and Education director for the New Land Trust. Jeff shares Earth Wisdom Teachings and teaches art and writing and conducts Rieki sessions at Fox Hill Studio.

Mitchell Ray - Treasurer

Mitch Ray has been on the board of the Red Hummingbird Foundation since 2004.

After retiring from a career in the U.S Air Force in 1995, Mitch decided to further his studies and become involved with volunteer work. He graduated from Clinton Community College with a business degree in 1997, received a B.S. in Business from SUNY Plattsburgh in 1999 and a Masters degree in history from SUNY Plattsburgh in 2002.

Mitch served as the Clinton county chairperson for the Fresh Air Fund from 1995-2008 and he has worked with the North Country Underground Rail Road since 2006.

Mitch is a native of Queens, N.Y. and relocated to Plattsburgh Air Force Base from Loring Air Force Base, Maine, in 1984. He requested the move to Plattsburgh to be closer to family and live in a warmer climate. Mitch and his family moved to their present home in Peru, N.Y. in 1991.

Mary Bardis - Board Member

Mary Bardis is a newcomer to the North Country. She moved to Plattsburgh in June, 2010 after living in South Florida for most of her adult life. Mary grew up near Binghamtom, NY and returned to NY State to live close to family and to live with the seasons again. She believes that living in community is vital to a healthy life and enjoys the small town community of Plattsburgh. She is enthused about working towards creating a stronger, richer and more diverse community through the Red Hummingbird Foundations efforts.
Mary has spent her professional life working in health care, as a registered nurse for 22 years and since 1998 as a licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner in private practice in South Florida. Mary now has a private practice in Burlington, VT.
Mary is an active member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Plattsburgh where she is on the Membership Committee. She loves hiking and spending time outdoors with trees, in every season. She is very happy with her new life in the beautiful North Country.

Jen Patching - Board Member

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